1/12 TNA Impact taping spoilers: A detailed report on the taping for the January 27 show, the return of a former WCW Champion (spoilers)

Jan 13, 2011 - 12:07 PM

TNA Impact taping
Orlando, Fla.
Report by Dot Net reader Bryan Patterson

Dark Matches and TNA Xplosion

1. Ole (a/k/a El Generico) defeated TJ via pinfall.

2. Rob Terry defeated Orlando Jordan via pinfall.

3. Winter defeated Sarita via pinfall. Winter couldn't wrestle for shit. Her finisher was some tilt-a-whirl crap and she could barely get Sarita up for it. Sarita dissed her for not hitting the gym more often during the prematch.

TNA Impact Taping

Kurt Angle opened up by talking about basically how much he hates Jeff Jarrett. Immortal and company came out and did a number on him. James Storm was about to smash a beer bottle over Angle's head until Amazing Red's "Llittle Brother" came out with baseball bat in hand and Immortal retreated.

1. Angelina Love won a six Knockout elimination tag match. Velvet Sky was lived as she went back to the locker room.

2. Max Buck won a four-way No. 1 contenders match for the X Division Title. Max Buck defeated Chris Sabin, Amazing Red, and to be honest I forgot who the last one was.

Jeff hardy came out dissing the fans hardcore until Mr. Anderson came out and got in his face then they retreated to the locker room for a commercial break.

3. Mr. Anderson defeated Matt Hardy via pinfall. This match happened later in the show. When Anderson was retreating, Jeff Hardy came out and jumped him from behind. Matt and jeff double teamed him for about two minutes until RVD came out for
the save.

4. Immortal beat Kurt Angle and Red's Little Brother. The match was going back and forth until Double J came out. He accompanied to the ring by Karen Jarrett. At that point, the ref throughout the match out and Immortal started putting a stomp to Angle and his brother. About three minutes later, Steiner came in with a lead pipe (with a grip, lol). Immortal split. Ric Flair was going ballistic near the end and the fans began to get rowdy.

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