ROH News: ROH offers free iPPV preshow in effort to win customers back

Posted in: ROH News
Oct 10, 2012 - 05:01 PM

ROH is offering a free pre-show, starting at 6:00 p.m. CT, as a lead in to the 6:30 Glory by Honor XI iPPV. This was done to promote "confidence in the internet pay per view technology" according to the company. There are no details about what will be on the pre-show. Only that it will last 10-15 minutes. You can get the details at

Shore's Slant: It would be easy to mock ROH for falling on their faces like this, but it is admirable, especially after having their PR pet dismiss any site who reported a legitimate failure on the company's part as trying to drive traffic. ROH needs a win this Saturday. I'll be covering the show live, so join me at 6:00 p.m. CT for coverage of both the pre-show and the iPPV.

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